Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Late Announcement!

Greetings all!

I'm a lot less organized as of late as far as the blog goes, but a few bits of news:

I will be at Blizzcon this week. I will be very easy to find. Look for "Floating Green Text." If you won't be there, watch the live feed for me. I'll be sure to try to wave at a few cameras. ;)

I have a twitter! This was created for the sole purpose of following the new Blizzard Twitter accounts (though honestly I could care less about Starcraft myself). I'll be trying to tweet at the con, but I guarantee nothing.

My guild has once again disbanded. I am now the leader of a new guild on Gurubashi called . If you're level 80, Horde, and LFG on Gurubashi, send me an in-game tell - we're doing 10 and 25m Ulduar and plan on doing the new Trial stuff as soon as we get a good core group. Website and such will be up in about a week or so, after the Blizzcon festivities have worn me out.

Thanks everyone who visits, and I hope to start updating and being community-oriented again as soon as I get things a bit settled down!

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